ARABULUCU Blog, dünyanın en saygın 16 “arabuluculuk” blog ‘undan birisi

Bugün site yönetim panelinden yeni bir backlink mesajı aldım. Sistem kendisine link veren siteleri otomatik olarak bildirmekteydi. Linki veren site International Mediation Institute idi. Türkçe ifadesiyle “Uluslararası Arabuluculuk Enstitüsü” sitesinde, en çok bilinen ve saygın 16 arabuluculuk blog sayfası arasında ARABULUCU Blog da sayılmaktaydı. Listelenen arabuluculuk bloglarına ilişkin tanıtım şöyleydi:



We cannot live only for ourselves.  A thousand fibres connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibres, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.

Herman Melville (1819-1891) – Author of Moby-Dick


A blog (weblog) is an online journal, regularly updated with news, ideas, comments, opinions and happenings.  Blogs can inform, raise issues and stimulate debate.  They connect people and subjects locally and worldwide.  Not all blogs interest everyone, but there is a useful blog out there for almost everyone.


There are several hundred mediation-focused blogs.  Many are listed in Diane Levin’s World Directory of ADR Blogs which features dispute resolution and negotiation blogs by category and by country and many of its most respected and best known blogs in the ADR blogosphere and beyond are featured here. Welcome to Mediation Bloggers Community!

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ARABULUCU Blog, dünyanın en saygın 16 “arabuluculuk” blog ‘undan birisi için 2 cevap

  1. Geri izleme: Mediation Channel » International Mediation Institute honors mediation blogs from across the globe

  2. admin der ki:

    Diane Levin ‘e teşekkürler… Thanks Diane Levin…

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